Past Event

Your Feelings Welcome

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Your feelings are welcome at the MCA.

At any one moment at the MCA, their visitors experience many different emotions. Contemporary art inspires and surprises us, it makes us think and it makes us feel happy. It can also challenge or confront us.

As part of the MCA's 30th anniversary, they'd love to know how the art in our galleries makes you feel. Visit MCA Collection: Perspectives on place during May and share your feelings through their mobile museum guide,

The five best answers will win an iPhone 12 Pro, courtesy of MCA Communications Partner, Telstra.

How it works

  1. Find the artworks with a QR code in MCA Collection
  2. Scan QR code with your camera
  3. Follow the emoji prompt, choose an emoji and tell us about how you feel about the work

Enter your email to capture your visit (we will send you a special something via email) and to be eligible to win an iPhone*

*Terms and conditions apply

Your Feelings Welcome

Tuesday to Sunday, 10am-5pm,
Friday, 10am-9pm


140 George Street
The Rocks

Get directions

Map, showing Your Feelings Welcome